Diabetic Foot Care for the Visually Impaired

Diabetic Foot Care for the Visually Impaired


Join Shirley and Mick Mitchell from Sutton Vision as they discuss diabetic foot care for the visually impaired. Learn about the importance of regular foot checks, managing neuropathy, and practical tips for keeping feet clean and healthy. This session is part of the LiveWell series, designed to support individuals with sight loss. For more information, contact your local sight society.

Video Summary

Importance of Foot Care

  • Introduction by Vicki from Sutton Vision.
  • Shirley and Mick’s experience with diabetes and foot care.
  • Discussion on the importance of foot care, especially for those with vision impairment.

Neuropathy and Its Symptoms

  • Explanation of neuropathy:
    • Loss of feeling or strange sensations in the feet.
    • Symptoms include tingling, pins and needles, pain, burning sensations.
  • Importance of checking the colour and temperature of feet.

Checking Your Feet

  • Look for changes in shape, blisters, sore areas, cuts.
  • Regular check-ups with a podiatrist.
  • Mention of a gentleman who lost a leg due to unchecked foot problems.

Foot Care Practices

  • Keeping feet clean and dry.
  • Avoiding the use of creams between toes.

Seeking Professional Help

  • Importance of regular foot checks:
    • At least every six months.
    • Push for more frequent checks if visually impaired.
  • Availability of community podiatrists and other healthcare services.
  • Importance of having HBA1C checks for blood sugar levels.

Keeping Feet Clean and Dry

  • Detailed practices for maintaining foot hygiene:
  • Drying feet thoroughly.
  • Using body lotion, but avoiding moisture between toes.

Managing Blood Sugar Levels

  • Importance of stable blood sugar levels in preventing foot problems.
  • Personal experiences with different foods and their effects on foot health.

Choosing Proper Footwear

  • Advice on proper footwear:
    • Avoiding fashion trends like clogs that may not be suitable.
    • Ensuring shoes fit well and do not cause rubbing.

Cutting Nails and Avoiding Corn Plasters

  • Recommendation to avoid self-cutting nails and using corn plasters.
  • Importance of professional help in maintaining nail health.

Using Appropriate Socks

  • Use of soft-top socks instead of expensive diabetic socks.
  • Turning socks inside out to avoid pressure from seams.

Metformin and Vitamin B12 Deficiency

  • Discussion on the effects of Metformin on B12 levels.
  • Personal experience of vitamin B12 deficiency mimicking diabetic neuropathy.
  • Importance of checking vitamin levels if experiencing foot problems.



Working Age and Retirement Benefits for people with Sight Loss in the UK

Working Age and Retirement Benefits for people with Sight Loss in the UK

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to LiveWell – 00:00:00
  2. Presentation Team Introduction – 00:00:05
  3. About LiveWell – 00:00:11
  4. Working Age Benefits – 00:02:00
  5. Access to Work Program – 00:03:05
  6. Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Overview – 00:03:29
  7. Employment Support and Job Seekers Allowance – 00:13:50
  8. Universal Credit Overview – 00:18:18
  9. Pension Age Benefits Discussion – 00:23:58
  10. Attendance Allowance Details – 00:27:04
  11. Q&A on Attendance Allowance – 00:37:59
  12. Conclusion and Overview – 00:38:07
  13. Additional Support for Attendance Allowance Claims – 00:38:07
  14. Pension Credits and Financial Support – 00:39:23
  15. Concessions for Blind and Partially Sighted Individuals – 00:46:51
  16. Final Q&A and Closing – 00:54:22


This video, presented by Zsuzsi Szabo and Colin Daniels on March 14, 2024, is a comprehensive guide on the benefits available for individuals with sight loss, encompassing both working-age and pension-age audiences. It begins with an introduction to the LiveWell series, designed to aid those navigating life with sight loss, and details the collaborative efforts behind the initiative.

The session dives into working-age benefits, covering the Access to Work program, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Employment Support, Job Seekers Allowance, and a brief overview of Universal Credit. For pension-age individuals, detailed discussions on Attendance Allowance and pension credits provide essential insights, complemented by a thorough Q&A segment on Attendance Allowance.

Further, the video highlights additional support avenues for Attendance Allowance claims, emphasizing the role of Age UK and DWP’s home visiting service. It also covers the financial support mechanisms available through pension credits, shedding light on the significance of the triple lock system for state pensions.

An important section dedicated to concessions for blind and partially sighted individuals outlines the benefits available, including blue badges, free prescriptions, and concessions on public transport and leisure activities.

The session concludes with a final Q&A, addressing specific concerns and queries from the audience, and provides a succinct summary of the key points covered, ensuring viewers are well-informed about the various benefits and supports available to them.


The future of AI and what it means for sight loss

The future of AI and what it means for sight loss


This video presents a comprehensive overview of the Future Vision series, dedicated to exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on sight loss. Hosted by a panel of experts, the session delves into the current applications of AI in assisting individuals with sight loss, speculative advancements in technology, and the ethical dilemmas posed by AI’s integration into daily life. The discussion includes practical demonstrations of ChatGPT, insights into AI-powered personal assistants and smart devices, and an exciting look at future technologies like AI-assisted shopping in supermarkets. This session provides valuable information for individuals with sight loss, caregivers, and technology enthusiasts interested in the intersection of AI and accessibility.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Future Vision (00:00:00)
    • Overview and importance of artificial intelligence for sight loss.
  2. Event Announcement (00:00:06)
    • Introduction to the event, presenters, and the date of presentation.
  3. Objectives and Collaboration (00:00:12)
    • The goals of the Future Vision series and collaborative efforts.
  4. Partner Organizations (00:00:33)
    • Introduction to six local independent sight societies participating.
  5. The Monthly Future Vision Session (00:00:51)
    • Description of the session and its collaborative nature.
  6. Panel Introduction and AI’s Direction (00:01:04)
    • The panel members will be introduced, and a discussion will be held on AI’s current state and future.
  7. AI in the Sight Loss Community (00:02:02)
    • How are AI technologies currently assisting and what are future expectations?
  8. New Developments and Integration (00:03:50)
    • Discussion on chatbots and their integration into existing systems.
  9. Future Expectations for AI Technologies (00:05:03)
    • Speculation on advancements in AI systems and devices aiding sight loss.
  10. Ethical Considerations (00:09:40)
    • A dialogue on the ethical dilemmas posed by AI technologies.
  11. Utilizing ChatGPT for Practical Solutions (00:10:22)
    • Demonstrate ChatGPT for accessing information and services.
  12. AI for Internet Use and Personalization (00:11:08)
    • How AI contributes to personalized internet experiences.
  13. Practical Demonstration: ChatGPT Interaction (00:13:20)
    • Live demonstration asking ChatGPT various questions.
  14. Discussion on AI Bias and Information Sources (00:18:18)
    • Concerns and considerations regarding the bias within AI responses.
  15. Exploring AI’s Role in Accessibility (00:20:34)
    • Discussion on current and future AI applications for accessibility.
  16. Shopping with AI Assistance (00:29:29)
    • Introduction of AI applications designed to assist with shopping.
  17. AI-Assisted Shopping Experiences (00:33:47)
    • Exploring AI applications in supermarkets for sight loss support.
  18. AI Innovations and Expectations (00:34:55)
    • Discussion on upcoming AI innovations and expectations for the sight loss community.
  19. Technology Demonstrations and Practical Uses (00:35:05)
    • Highlighting practical demonstrations of AI technology and its uses for individuals with sight loss.
  20. AI and Accessibility in Daily Life (00:36:00)
    • How AI is becoming an integral part of daily life and improving accessibility for the sight loss community.
  21. Closing Remarks and Future Directions (00:38:45)
    • Closing the discussion with thoughts on the future direction of AI in supporting sight loss.


Using NFC Tags to Create Talking Lables

Using NFC Tags to Create Talking Lables


In this video, we will look at using NFC Tags and an iPhone to create talking labels using cheap, readily available NFC tags.

In this video we’ll cover

  • We will show you how to use Simply NFC to Read and Write NFC Tags
  • Use a Siri Shortcut to read NFC Tags
  • Using Speak Screen selection as an alternative to Voiceover
  • What is an NFC Tag
  • What does NTAG/NFC215 mean
  • What sort of information can you store on a NFC Tag (NDEF)

What is an NFC Tag

NFC Stands for Near Field Communications. They are a small, flat device that stores information, like a digital label. It works by using short-range wireless technology to communicate with compatible devices, such as smartphones or tablets. When you tap your device near the NFC tag, it instantly shows the stored information. NFC tags have a wide variety of applications, including contactless payments, event information, unlocking security locks, and connecting to wifi networks.

NFC tags can be used to label anything from food packaging, CDs, Medication, anything that you can stick a 1cm square plastic label on, they’re available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The NFC tags I’m using are available from Amazon and are NFC215 tags. NFC215 tags can hold upto 504bytes of data, about a paragraph of text, they can be written to multiple times allowing data to be changed, updated or deleted. They are also compatible with most NFC-enabled devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

NFC Tags store their data in plain text format and are platform agnostic. More complex data can be stored using the NDEF Standard. We’ll discuss this in more detail later in the video.

Simply NFC

To read the NFC Tags, we will use Simply NFC by Lakeside Llama from the App Store. The free version is Ad supported, or you can pay £2.99 (approx. $3.75 or 3.50 euros, as of 6 February 2024) for the prof version with unlocks features such as writing NDF data.

On opening simply NFC, the app is in read mode. Starting from the top left-hand corner, the app has the following buttons:-

  • Settings – Allows you to set various preferences such as read automatically on loading
  • History – This lets you view a list of previously scanned tags
  • Multiscan nfc – Allows you to scan several NFC tags, and then view a list of the results.
  • Read nfc – Press to start reading NFC Tags.
  • Tab bar read, write mode.

To read an NFC Tag.

  1. Press READ NFC. If you are using the voiceover screen reader, the button is located in the centre of the screen. Voiceover will announce “READ NFC Button”
  2. The NFC Ready to Scan popup will appear, and VoiceOver will say “Ready to Scan”. Place the back of the phone near the NFC tag. The NFC Reader on the iPhone is located in the top right corner of the phone. You may need to move the phone around a bit to get a scan.
  3. You will then hear a two-tone beep and a vibration, and an Alert box showing the contents of the tag will be displayed. Voice-over users will hear, “Alert Scan Result, S, Place the phone, Simply NFC Scan Result”.  VoiceOver users will need to swipe to the right once to hear the data stored on the NFC tag, then swipe right twice to select OK to close the Alert Box.

To write to an NFC Tag

  1. Tap on the write button located in the Tab Bar at the bottom of the screen – Voiceover Users will hear “Tab Bar – Write Tab, 2 of 2”
  2. Tap on Add Record – Voiceover – Navigate to the top left hand corner of the screen then swipe right until you hear “Add Write Record Button” then double tap
  3. Tap on Add Text Record – Voiceover – Swipe right until you hear “Add text record” then double tap
  4. Enter the text you want to record to the NFC tag – Voiceover users swipe right until you hear Enter Text, Elipsis, edit.
  5. To save the text, press the Add button located in the top right hand side of the screen.
  6. Tap Write Tag – VoiceOver – Swipe right until you hear write tag button.
  7. The ready to scan dialogue box will be displayed – Voiceover use will hear, ready to scan. Hold your phone near the NFC tag, you will hear to beeps, this will confirm that the tag has been written.



Maintaining Wellbeing during the winter months with sight loss

Maintaining Wellbeing during the winter months with sight loss

Suzanne Roberts from the Macular Society discusses tips and strategies for maintaining mental wellbeing during the winter. She talks about the counselling services offered and common challenges people face. This zoom provides useful information on listening to your body, managing stress and asking for support when you need it.

00:00 – Start
00:11 – About Live Well
00:51 – Intro
01:33 – Suzanne Intro
02:35 – Macular Counselling Service
11:16 – Winter Months – Changes
12:34 – What changes can we put on place
16:22 – Loneliness
19:29 – Listening to the Signs and Signals
21:27 – Self Care: Being Kinder to yourslef
24:07 – Synptoms of Anxiety/Stress/Low mood
26:50 – Managing our emotions
29:54 – Getting Support
32:51 – Take Action
34:32 – Be your own therapist
35:51 – Outro


Macular Society Helpline – 0300 3030 111

Silverline – Confidential telephone service for older people, offers support, conversation, friendship – 24 Hours – 0800 4 70 80 90

NHS Talking Therapies – https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/talking-therapies-medicine-treatments/talking-therapies-and-counselling/nhs-talking-therapies/ – self referral available or through GP.

Every Mind Matters – https://www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/ – NHS Website offering practical tips on maintaining your wellbeing.

Use Seeing AI to 'Chat' to your documents

Use Seeing AI to ‘Chat’ to your documents

Imagine being able to ask your hospital appointment letter when your appointment is or ask the restaurant menu what the vegetarian options are. Thanks to Seeing AI, this is possible: scan your document, ask it questions, and have the answers spoken to you. The video shows how a visually impaired person uses Seeing AI to ask questions about the menu in her favourite restaurant.

00:00 – Start
00:04 – Meet Paula – The Problem
00:34 – Solution – Using Seeing AI
01:02 – Demonstration
08:21 – Conclusion
09:51 – Outro

Hark Reader & Stella Treck GPS System from Humanware

Hark Reader & Stella Treck GPS System from Humanware

Lucy Begley from Humanware demonstrates the Hark Reader and Stella Treck GPS system. The Hark reader is an easy-to-use portable reading machine; place your document on the platform, and the Stella automatically takes a photograph and starts reading.

The Stella Track GPS system uses GPS to help you navigate when you’re out and about. You can programme your own custom routes or landmarks. Once you get to where you are going, the Stella can help you locate the door with its door location feature. It can also read text, allowing you to read signs or menus.

00:00 – Start
00:48 – Intro
01:26 – Lucy Begley
03:44 – Hark Reader
10:16 – Question – Price
11:16 – Question – Reading Tables
12:12 – Question – How well does it read bank statements
13:08 – Question – Can you change the voice
14:26 – Question – What format are documents saved to USB memory stick
15:02 – Question – Support Available
17:22 – Question – Complex Layout
19:52 – Question – Keeping a document in place
22:00 – Quesion – Document Orientation
22:38 – Sella Trek
28:35 – Question – How do input a route
33:29 – Comment – Repeating Text
34:01 – Question – Pricing
34:14 – Question – Size and Weight
47:01 – Question – Initial Setup
49:12 – Question – Working inside a building
50:02 – Question – Does it overheat
50:52 – Question – RNIB Books and Audible on Victor Read Stream

A guide to using the Kindle App for iPad with Low Vision

A guide to using the Kindle App for iPad with Low Vision

In this video, we’ll guide you through a comprehensive tutorial on optimising your Kindle App experience for low-vision users. We’ll cover:

1. Utilizing the Kindle Widget for quick access to your favourite books.
2. Customizing your Library View and organizing your books with Collections for easy navigation.
3. Personalizing the Appearance settings to improve readability and comfort.
4. Harnessing the power of Speak Screen/Selection to have your iPad read your books aloud.
5. Navigating a page, adding bookmarks, and downloading new books with Voice Over assistance.
6. Enhancing your reading comprehension with the built-in Dictionary feature.


00:00 – Start
00:48 – Intro
02:36 – The Kindle Widget
04:19 – Customising the Library View
06:47 – Customising the Appearance
10:43 – Speak Screen/Selection Tool
15:17 – Navigating a Page using VoiceOver
20:22 – Navigate by Chapter
22:57 – Setting Bookmarks
26:46 – Using the Dictionary
29:59 – Downloading a New Book
33:39 – Outro

Keeping Safe from Scammers - Antony Horner, Sight Airedale, 23 Feb 23

How to stay safe from scammers

Are you worried about falling victim to scammers? In this video Antony Horner talks about the social engineering tricks that scammers use and the steps you can take to protect yourself. Understand how to spot a fake email, why it is important to make sure your email account is secure, and how to choose a good password.



00:00 – Start
00:47 – Intro
01:28 – Antony Intro
02:14 – What is a scam
02:29 – Who is at risk of being scammed
02:44 – Jim Browning
05:56 – Why did he fall for it
07:12 – Why do people fall for Scams – Social Engineering
13:42 – How to protect yourself
17:33 – How to spot a fake email
19:10 – Password Safety
22:33 – Three Random Words
24:14 – Types of Scam – Transfer Job
25:18 – Advanced Fee Fraud
26:52 – One Time Passcode Scam
29:53 – Computer Service Fraud
30:57 – Courier Fraud
31:33 – Conclusion

Hable One, Oxsight Onyx, Empatheyes with Sam Coulson from Sight and Sound

Hable One, Oxsight Onyx, Empatheyes with Sam Coulson from Sight and Sound

Sam Coulson from Sight and Sound joined us to demonstrate the Hable One the world’s smallest Braille Keyboard, The Oxsight Onyx, a wearable magnifier that promises to make watching TV easier and talk about Empatheyes, a revolutionary new low vision simulator.

00:00 – Start
00:49 – Intro
01:31 – Sam Coulson Intro
02:03 – About Sight and Sound
02:52 – Hable One
14:28 – Hable One and iPhone Demonstration
26:37 – Question – Can the Hable one link directly to an embosser
27:51 – Pricing
28:12 – Question – Comparison between using on iPad or iPhone
30:25 – OxSight Onyx
37:49 – Question – What eye conditions is it suitable for
39:01 – Question – Product Range
41:14 – Question – Saving Settings
43:36 – Question – Direct TV Feed
45:24 – Question – Can you thread a needle with it
46:47 – Question – Could be used in a theatre
47:47 – Question – Can you use it walking around
50:28 – Question – Is it possible to hire one
53:12 – Empatheyes
59:16 – Question – Is it Augmented Reality