Our audiobook library has over 2,000 titles. These are available in MP3 format on USB Memory Sticks. Books are available to loan free of charge to friends of sight airedale. To learn more about our library, please contact the helpline or email us at enquiries@sightairedale.org.uk.
Search our library
Enter a word from the title of the book or choose an author or genre.
How the audiobook library works
Choosing your book
You can either search our online database and put a note in the wallet when you return your book. Or you can tell us your favourite authors or choose the type of books you like. We will select titles for you based on your preferences.
Receiving and returning books
Our audiobook library is a postal library, books are sent out and returned for free using the Royal Mail Article for the Blind Service. You will receive your book in a red reusable plastic wallet. Once you have finished listening to the book, put the book into the wallet along with a note saying what you would like next. Turn the label on the front of the wallet over and drop it into a post box. You do not need to pay any postage.
Listening to our books
To listen to our audiobooks, you will need a USB memory stick player. These are the same players used by many talking newspapers. If you do not already have a USB memory stick player, we can order one for you. As of April 2020, these cost £50. We also ask that you supply your own USB Memory Stick.