Using the Jaws Screenreader for email and navigating the web

In this video, Stuart Lawler of Sight and Sound demonstrates using the Jaws Screenreader to check, send and receive email in Outlook and navigate a webpage using Microsoft Edge.

00:00 – Start
00:53 – Intro
01:19 – Stuart’s Intro
02:20 – Jaws 2022 BETA
03:04 – Today’s Session
04:33 – Ways of Accessing Email
04:41 – Web Based EMail
05:11 – Using an Email Client
05:49 – Office 365
08:26 – Thunderbird Email Client
09:16 – Starting Outlook
10:31 – Outlook Inbox
10:58 – Status Information
13:47 – Dismissing a reminder
14:25 – Jump to bottom of message list
14:55 – Listing unread messages
15:40 – Opening a email
16:28 – Close Message
17:05 – Switching between folders
18:19 – Go to Inbox
18:29 – Outlook Calendar
20:24 – Jump to next event
20:39 – Move to next day
21:52 – Return to Inbox
22:07 – Create new email
23:19 – Read Email Address
25:24 – Send Message
27:04 – Add File Attachment
29:30 – Viewing FIle Attachments
31:08 – Using the Web with Jaws
31:38 – Supported Web Browsers
31:56 – Google Chrome
32:09 – Microsoft Edge
32:43 – Firefox
32:59 – Other Browsers
33:13 – Internet Explorer
33:55 – How Jaws Interprets a webpage
34:56 – Virtual Cursor
36:00 – Launching Microsoft Edge
36:11 – Navigate to a website
37:41 – Do a Google Search
37:51 – Forms Mode
38:57 – Entering the search term
39:18 – Navigating Search Results
39:48 – Browse by headings
40:57 – How google uses headings
42:01 – Navigating to a search result
43:05 – Go Back to search results
43:17 – Go to Previous Headings
44:10 – Navigating a website
44:15 – Searching for text
45:00 – Jaws Find Command
46:56 – Jump to Line
48:45 – Place Markers
49:33 – Finding T Shirts on the Retina UK Website
52:44 – Questions and Answers

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