How to use the library catalogue.

You can search our library catalogue using a word from the author's name, or book title. Browse books by a specific author, or genre. Or find new books added to the library within the past two weeks, month or three months.

Searching for a book by title, author name, or catalogue number.

  1. Navigate to the search term text box, and enter a word, from the books title, or author's name. You can also enter the books catalogue number and press Enter
  2. If no books are found the message "Sorry we have no books matching <search term>" will be displayed.
  3. If the search is successful a list of matching books will be displayed. Each book is a level 2 heading, allowing you to navigate the list using your screen
  4. readers heading feature.
  5. To learn more about a book, select the book to view the book detail page. The book detail page contains information on title, author, description, genre and catalogue number.
  6. To move back, use your browsers back button.

Browse books by Author

  1. Navigate to the Author list box, use either the up and down arrows to navigate the list of authors, or type the first letter of the authors surname, then use the down arrow keys to select the author. Authors' names are listed surname, first name (for example Agatha Christie is listed as Christie, Agatha).
  2. Navigate to the browse by author button, and press ENTER.
    A list of matching books will be displayed. Each book is a level 2 heading, allowing you to navigate the list using your screen readers heading feature.
  3. To learn more about a book, select the book to view the book detail page. The book detail page contains information on title, author, description, genre and catalogue number.
  4. To move back, use your browsers back button.

Browse books by Genre

  1. Navigate to the Genre list box, use either the up and down arrows to navigate the list of genres, or type the first letter of the genre, then use the up and down arrows.
  2. Navigate to the browse by genre button and press ENTER.
  3. A list of all the books within that genre is displayed in author order.
  4. Each author is a level 3 heading, and each book is a level 4 heading. Allowing you to navigate the list using your screen readers heading feature.
  5. To learn more about a book, select the book to view the book detail page. The book detail page contains information on title, author, description, genre and catalogue number.
  6. To move back, use your browsers back button.